Според мнението на проф.Б.М.Хедж, професор по кардиология в Лондонския университет, това е “книга - епоха”, разкриваща убедително тайните на благотворното влияние на дърветата върху човешкото здраве, психика, настроение и пр.
В рецензията за книгата на сайта Амазон се казва, че Силвърстоун от една страна представя нови доказателства за вредите, които нашият свят нанася на здравето ни, а от друга ни убеждава, че ако разберем по-добре поведението на природата, ще ограничим тези вреди.
И - най- важното, Силвърстоун разкрива по какъв начин дърветата, растенията, водата, слънцето и луната влияят върху здравето и психичното ни състояние в ежедневието.
Линк към целия текст на книгата:
In his ground-breaking new book, Blinded by Science, Silverstone uncovers new evidence to show there are many ways in which the world we live in may be having a damaging effect on our health. Yet, with a greater understanding of how nature behaves we can start to limit these effects. Silverstone tells us how trees, plants, water, the sun and the moon can all play a part in how we feel on a daily basis.
Western science has chosen to ignore thousands of scientific studies that show there is more to our body’s behaviour than it alone can explain. By combining the simple but ground-breaking principle that everything vibrates with the fact that water retains the vibration of everything it comes into contact with, Silverstone is able to decipher various phenomena such as the biological effect of mobile phone technology that are impossible to understand fully using biochemistry alone.
Issues such as sleep disorders, homeopathy, healing, body rhythms, lunar cycles, and the exponential growth in immune-related illnesses worldwide can now be more adequately explained. Blinded by Science addresses these and many other fascinating concepts that will revolutionise your attitude to health and well-being and positively alter the way you see the world around you. Silverstone provides impressive scientific evidence and theoretical justification for all of his claims.
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